13 November 2009

A little something that may have happened once...

   Walking to the common room late that evening, under the vague pretense of waiting for someone else but knowing that she had already left hours before, chest heaving and heart racing beneath my blouse, thighs burning from the effort of taking the stairs two at a time to reach you that one moment sooner...
   You would be playing pool with the other two as usual or at least I desperately hoped that today you would be. Breaths coming easier, I slowly walked up the corridor, the burning pain in my thighs giving way to warmth as I thought of you there, your light cotton shirt unbuttoned in the summer heat, openly showing your athletic torso, my mind a thick fog of lust. Oh how I hoped you would still be there, waiting, for me? What was I doing?! I gently pushed open the door scarcely daring to breathe as I saw your tall, slim body, draped across 3 chairs as you sat, alone, eyes closed.
   "Hey," my voice shook,  "where are the others?" You opened one eye slowly and tilted your head back to look at me, such beautiful eyes I thought I might melt. "Gone already, I'm just waiting for someone."Oh," by now I was trembling, hoping he would miss the disappointment in my voice "anyone special?" I managed the faint flicker of a smile. "No, not really. Looks like I'm on my own anyway though."
   "That's not true, I'm here." I tried to purr confidently but my heart had begun to pound again. He almost seemed to glide to his feet, standing so close I could see the faint mist of sweat on his bare chest from the brutal summer heat, the hazy July sunshine dancing on his very skin. He must have caught me looking because he had his head on one side when I finally flitted my eyes back to meet his. "Seen something interesting?" He smiled, eyes reaching into mine so deep I could almost feel it, he must have sensed my lust, bubbling up from deep inside me. "No, no," I flustered, a little too  quickly "I mean, it's nothing. Would you like to come home with me? That is, take me home...I...I mean...oh no" I dropped my gaze to the ground, humiliated, colour rising in my cheeks. I felt the soft skin of his hand touch my chin, lifting my head gently.
   "Well, I would, but theres something I have to do first" I finally met his eyes after what felt like forever "What's that?" I asked, hardly able to speak. "This..." He leaned in close to me and pressed his mouth to mine. Shocked, it took a moment for me to register what was happening. His hand had found my waist, sliding down to my hip and up under the black fabric of my blouse. Our lips already connecting us, I snaked one hand around his neck and pulled him closer with my other on his bare back beneath his shirt. I could feel him pressed against me and knew he wanted his as badly as I did. Winding my hands around his shoulders, I pushed his shirt back along his strong, powerful arms and before it had even hit the floor he pushed me back, toward the pool table, opening my buttons as he did. Running his warm hands up the inside of my thigh I felt him do what I had dreamed of for so long. Pushing my skirt up out of his way, he smoothly pulled down my underwear in one swift movement. I had to have him, I could barely wait. His jeans already undone, he lifted me effortlessly onto the edge of the pool table.
   Hands shaking I held onto him, wrapping my legs around his waist as he gently slid inside me. Instantly the nerves that had been holding onto me were gone, all I could see or feel was him, all around me, inside me. My tongue entwined with his inside my mouth, or his, I'm not sure. I had never felt anything like it before. He was so deep inside every part of me, I felt myself begin to shake. His every movement made me quiver, each time he gently kneaded my breast through the pink satin of the bra I'd chosen especially for today, my knees buckled. I felt every pulse and thrust as though for the first time, exaggerated by my lust and his rough quick movements. I tried desperately to stifle the moans I knew were coming but with no luck.  Moving more quickly, I felt him swell inside me just as my own body pulsed and bucked, exploding into dazzling starbursts for what felt like hours.
   We stayed there a moment, hot and shaking while our bodies recovered. Realising what had just happened, I avoided his gaze, dressing quickly. As I grabbed my bag and reached for the door, I felt a hand on mine. "Hey, calm down." I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, it's just that..." My words faded to nothing as he kissed me again, gently this time. Wrapping himself around me, I my panic began to fade, my heart slowed. Head on his chest, I could feel his pulse- much faster than mine had been. "Still want walking home?" he smiled down at me. I nodded, unable to form a coherent sentence. He took my hand and walked toward the door. It wouldn't be the last time we were late home...


  1. Well, I must say, you certainly have talent. I hope there are more in the pipe-line

  2. You are too kind darling. Of course more are in the workings and I do take requests if there is anything you would particularly wish to see. I hope to cater for all tastes.


Did you want to say something? Go ahead darling.